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Man Looking Out to the Mountains

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state of mind and it may surprise you to learn that we experience trance states often during our lives. It is a deep state of relaxation; this is not sleep but a heightened state of awareness, similar to a daydream. You can be guided into hypnosis by visualisation and relaxation techniques. While in hypnosis you are aware of what is happening around you and can terminate the session at anytime. You cannot get ‘stuck' in hypnosis nor can you be made to do something that is against your will. 


How does hypnosis work?  

Our minds work on two levels - the conscious and the unconscious. We think, act and make decisions with our conscious mind. The subconscious mind controls our habits and our emotions. In hypnosis we can communicate directly with the unconscious mind enabling irrational fears, phobias, negative thoughts and suppressed emotions to be overcome.

What does hypnotherapy do?

Whilst communicating with the unconscious mind we can change old or unwanted behaviours. Take the example of someone who has a fear of enclosed spaces. Consciously they will try every means to overcome this fear but if their subconscious holds on to this fear due to a trauma earlier in their life, this will prevent the conscious mind from eradicating this fear. The only way that this fear can be permanently removed is by reprogramming the unconscious mind so that deep-seated instincts and beliefs are abolished or altered.

Will I be aware of what's going on during the treatment?
You will feel very relaxed and often people will say afterwards that they 'never went under'. You will feel that you are able to move or get up, but that it's such a pleasant feeling you won't want to until the end of the session. Most people remember what is said between the themselves and the therapist, although you may not remember every word unless prompted for recall.

Can anybody be hypnotised?
Yes, everybody can be hypnotised to some degree or other. An exception to the rule is somebody who is mentally handicapped. Prescription drugs or excessive alcohol can also hinder or halt the process of hypnosis.

Can I be made to do something against my will?
No, absolutely not. You cannot be made to do something that you would otherwise never do according to your morals or self preservation. If anybody suggested anything to do that was in conflict with your morals you would be shocked out of the state when it is suggested to you. There is absolutely no question of being controlled or manipulated whilst in the state of hypnosis.

Am I asleep?
No. It looks like you are asleep, but you are just very, very relaxed. It feels a bit like day-dreaming with your eyes closed. A very very deep trance is called 'somnambulistic' which is bordering on sleep, but not only is it rare and difficult to achieve, it is not necessary to have such a state in the consulting room. A light relaxed hypnotic state is all that is needed for our treatment.

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